Friday, May 9, 2014

Savour the Moment

I was here!  Had dinner with a family. Knowing that my vision is not so sharp at night and my sense of direction go haywire at times --- more like most of the time --- the family also came to get me from the house.

Well, to be honest I would probably be too lazy to drive there all by myself.

These are just some of the dishes that were on our table. I didn't take a picture of every dish. This Japanese restaurant in Bandar Baru Permas Jaya, Johor Baru is still drawing in the crowd since the day it opened.

We couldn't finish the food so we "bungkus balik" (pack back). It is the trend now. Don't waste food. Even at wedding dinner or any gathering, don't be shy about asking the waiter to pack the leftovers.

And my wonderful host also gave me a gift to take home. I'm a lover of sensuous scents and alluring crystals/gemstones.  Any gift that comes from the heart is a sweet gesture to be savoured.

A get together, a fleeting moment, a rendezvous --- planned or unplanned --- all is to be cherished. 

Thank you for this night.

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