Friday, August 22, 2014

Daughter Says ...

Wan Azizah is fit to be Selangor MB

by Shahrum Sayuthi

SHAH ALAM: PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar today insisted that her mother, party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is fit to be the menteri besar of Selangor.

Delivering a speech at the PKR Women Congress at Bukit Melawati Stadium here, Nurul Izzah hits out at those who cited religous reasons for opposing the appointment of a woman as a leader.

"We are wondering why there are still many in our society who regarded the appointment of a woman as a leader being taboo.

"This is especially so among those who used religious arguments to hinder women from being leaders."

Later at a press conference, Nurul Izzah said her support for the appointment of her mother as the new Selangor MB was based on the party's endorsement for Dr Wan Azizah to take over the post.

The Pakatan coalition had nominated the PKR president to replace the now independent MB Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Khalid was sacked from PKR after he refused to step down from his MB post to accomodate the party's so-called Kajang Move.

The move to install Dr Wan Azizah as MB was however made complicated after it met with resistance from especially Pas ulama leaders who among others argued that she was not suitable for the post due to her gender.

PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin supported Nurul Izzah's assertions that Dr Wan Azizah may likely be a better MB than Khalid.

On the apparent low turn out at the congress, Zuraida said it has enough quorum to proceed.

Only about one third of the seats at the space provided for the delegates were filled up at the start of the congress.

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