Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drama. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chill With Avocado Juice

The "juice alpukat" (avocado juice) with ayam penyet at Ayam Penyet Ria in City Square Johor Baru was the highlight of the day.  The avocado juice was so so so delicious.

I'm not working today.  It didn't start out too well, but after hearing news about the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 that went missing after it left Kuala Lumpur earlier today, how bad could my day be? 

Yesterday, my emotions went haywire.  I handed a form to someone a few days ago.  The form went missing.  We both tried to remember that day but I only remembered up to the point where I handed her the form, and she only remembered up to the point where she received the form from me.

Whatever happened after that, neither of us could remember. I could have taken back the form after I had given it to her.  I'm not saying I did that but I just couldn't remember.  I also cannot say that she left it on her desk and someone took it away simply because I didn't see that.  The wind could've blown it away.  It could've gotten into one of the files.  There are a few possibilities.

 I wasn't angry because I can always fill up the form again.  It wasn't a big problem.

But I needed to inform someone about the missing form.  And this someone said this to me: "Let this be a lesson to you."  He said that because he thought I didn't make a photocopy of it.  But I had already made a copy.

Anyway, that one short sentence sent an avalanch of thoughts and emotions my way.  Immediately, I switched to victim mode.  Initially, there was no anger at all.  But when the anger took over, I contemplated writing a nasty note.  Something like this one, somehow I didn't know how to.

I only had this to say: "Saboteur, what do you get by taking my things except earn demerit points? I can always fill it up again. And I get merit points." 

Quite nasty, right?  :)  Maybe I just didn't have the mean streak.   

But all this was yesterday.  Today, I don't see it as a personal attack anymore.  I was expecting some understanding, some sympathy perhaps, and didn't see "Let this be a lesson to you" coming.  

Today  I just want to say "Sorry, I should have better control of my emotions."

Sunday, February 9, 2014

OMG! An Angry Note

"I'm sorry for the fate that has befallen your family, but that is the result of your karma."

"Through your actions you have confessed to others that you're evil"

"You need medication more than divine intervention."

These were just some of the words from a note that I had stumbled upon yesterday.

OMG! Where was all this anger coming from?

It's not that I was poking my nose into other people's business but the note was put out for all to see.  So, I guess it should be ok for me to give my two cents on the matter.

Clearly the person who penned the note must have been in a state of extreme and utter anger to churn out such a dazzling display of talent for cussing.  Dwelling in such a state only causes distress, depression and maybe even dementia, in the long-term.

However, there are lessons to learn from this angry note.

I write too when I am angry, and say things that I would not have said when unprovoked.  It's best not to re-act when consumed by anger, but sometimes we let our emotions take over.  And I guess the ocassional vent is acceptable. "Drama drama a bit".

But if you can, always try to be mindful of what you're doing or are about to do.  I know too much thinking also holds one back, but think of the consequences before embarking on any action.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Science) and there is the law of cause and effect (Religion). 

Have a good day everyone.