Monday, August 11, 2014

R.I.P. Robby the Rottweiler

Robby passed away quite suddenly this morning.

That's life.  We are here for a little while, and then off to somewhere else... don't know where.

We thought love would give Robby a reason to live on, but the universe has other plans.

I wish you well, Robby.  May you find peace, happiness and love as you embark on a new journey. Will love you always though I have met you only once in this life.

Below is a chronology of my blog posts about Robby :-

My Christmas Wish

Pray for this Rottweiler

Companion for Life

Happy Birthday, Joanne

Robby Finds A Reason To Live Again

1 comment:

  1. So sorry that Robby is gone. But I am sure he is somewhere better....where he will be better loved than when he was in this world. Rest in peace dear good dog.
